Android Malware Physically Destroying Phone by Running Cryptocurrency miner
Android Malware Physically Destroying Phone by Running Cryptocurrency miner
Security researchers from Kaspersky labs discovered the trojan dubbed “Loapi” which can damage the phone by downloading a Monero mining module which generates a constant load that makes the battery bulged and damages the phone cover.
How the Malicious files Distributed – Loapi
Loapi is not reached play store, they are distributed through advertising campaigns. It hides behind some Antivirus, adult content apps, researchers found more than 20 sources that distribute Loapi. Users are redirected to the attacker’s malicious website and the file downloaded from there.
Once it installed it checks for the root permission, but it doesn’t use root privileges, the applications keep on trying to get device administrator permissions.
Execution and Self-Protection
Loapi if obtains admin permissions it performs various activities and it won’t allow users to revoke the device manager permissions by using standard and forcing users to uninstall legitimate Antivirus by posing endless stream of popups.
First it downloads the malicious app file and the second stage the DEX payload which sends the device information to the C&C servers, with the third stage the modules are downloaded and initialized.
Modules Installed
Advertisement module: Involved in the progress of aggressive ads displaying.
SMS module: used in Sending requests to C&C
Web crawling module: used in Hidden Javascript execution
Proxy module: HTTP proxy server used to organize DDoS attacks
Mining Monero: Used to perform to perform Monero (XMR) cryptocurrency mining
Regarding the cryptocurrency mining, the malware apps are designed to mine Monero from the users’ devices. The researchers installed an Android app with Loapi trojan on a test device. After two days, the constant load by the mining module caused the battery to bulge and damage the device physically.
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