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Zerodium is Now Offering $500,000 For Hacking messaging apps "WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger etc."

Zerodium is Now Offering $500,000 For Hacking messaging apps

Good News For all Hacker, If You are hacker then this is best news for all. It Your Time To Earn Big Bucks. Zerodium, a premium exploit acquisition platform for high-end zero-days and advanced vulnerability research has published that it will pay $500,000 to anyone who can hack messaging apps including Signal, WhatsApp, iMessage, Viber, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, and Telegram.

The company is also inviting hackers to find flaws in iPhone and remotely hack the device and receive $1,500,000 in return. Moreover, platforms like Windows 10, Chrome, Firefox, and WordPress, etc. are also in line for the hackers to try their skills.

The rewards have been increased after companies started end-to-end encryption in their applications, making it more complex for anyone to hack their messaging platforms.

Accordingg to Company's ZERODIUM :

“ZERODIUM pays premium bounties and rewards to security researchers to acquire their original and previously unreported zero-day research affecting major operating systems, software, and devices. While the majority of existing bug bounty programs accept almost any kind of vulnerabilities and PoCs but pay very low rewards, at ZERODIUM we focus on high-risk vulnerabilities with fully functional exploits, and we pay the highest rewards on the market.”

Last month, a 17-years-old kid became the top hacker in his category by hacking US Air Force during “Hack the Air Force” bug bounty program. Not only that but he also got paid for it.