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How To Check Who use Your Phone Without Your Permission By taking His Photo | Third Eye |

How To Check Who use Your Phone Without Your Permission By taking His Photo | Third Eye |

You do not have to be anymore afraid to leave your phone alone.

Use Third Eye App, Is the best app for security The third eye are more secure app than any other , this app will help you on that time when someone using your phone Without you knowing, without your permission then this app will take his photo on that time . when he or she are trying to unlock your phone  and they are failed to unlock your phone.

Use Third Eye and catch all the mobile snoopers with ease. Third Eye app will ease your task of catching your friends and family while they try to access your mobile. 

Third Eye will take a photo while someone tries to access your mobile with wrong PIN, Pattern or Password. You can catch the snoopers red handed using this app. It provides lot more cool features.

Features :
1. The app automatically takes a photo while someone enters the wrong PIN, Pattern or Password.
2. Notification about wrong attempts while you unlock the lock screen.
3. Last unlock time feature will show you the previous lock screen unlock time. With that, you can easily find if someone used your mobile without your knowledge.
4. A detailed photo logs of the mobile snoopers.
5. Lot more customization settings.