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711 Million of email and password Leak On Internet

711 Million of email and password Leak On Internet

At That Many Company's email, Data, Server are hack and stealing their information on Internet. This is not a first time to leak email and password, many have unknown hacker are leak email and password .

Even though our email services have become smarter and more conscious, spamming is still a thing. That’s the reason a Paris-based researcher Benkow spotted a huge lot of 711 million (711,477,622 to be exact) email accounts lying in plain text files on a server hosted in Netherlands.
The researcher mentioned his findings in a blog post. The said server was used by a spambot known as ‘Onliner’. And the text files, amounting to 40+ GBs, also contain other details like passwords and details of the email servers used to send the spam.

According to Benkow, he has got hands on a spambot by the name of “Onliner Spambot” containing email addresses and clear text passwords of 711 million users from around the world, one of the largest single set of data. The database is hosted on a server in Netherlands and is publicly available for anyone to access without any password protection.

It has been known that this massive “biggest of its kind” spamming campaign is a launch pad to spread a banking malware called Ursnif. As of now, more than 100,000 different infections have occurred.

It’s hard to point out the exact source from where the email accounts and data was collected. But, previous breaches like that of Linkedin did make a considerable contribution.

The database has been verified by Troy Hunt of HaveIbeenPwned (HIBP) who wrote a blog post explaining that 27 percent of the leaked accounts were already part of HIBP and predominantly from data breaches such as LinkedIn, Anti Combo list, MySpace, and Dropbox.

Also, a considerable number of entries from the email data was already present in HIBP’s existing database. In his blog post, Hunt says that the findings can be filtered into two categories:

Email addresses used to deliver the spams to.
Email addresses and passwords for which the hackers abused their SMTP server to deliver the spam.

There was one “uncomfortable truth” waiting for Hunt, his own email address was present in the list. Thankfully, I have not been pwned.