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Google Is Offering 75,000 Scholarship For Web And Application Developer

Google Is Offering 75,000 Scholarship For Web And Application Developer

Google and Udacity In the latest development, the company is offering 75,000 more scholarships this year to promote young talent.

In the announcement blog post, Google has said that despite the enthusiasm of developers, the digital skill gap is growing, and by 2020, half a million information and communications jobs will remain unfulfilled. For improving this situation, Google is partnering with Bertelsmann & Udacity.

Last year, along with Bertelsmann and Udacity are offered 10,000 Android developer scholarships to help people like Ildiko reach their goals. We were humbled by the overwhelming demand for these courses, 
Google Said:
so I’m happy to announce that together with Bertelsmann & Udacity we’ll be offering 75,000 more people the opportunity to benefit from free developer courses.

60,000 Web And Android Scholarships — How to apply

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Out of the 75,000, 60,000 scholarships are already open. This 3-month scholarship challenge is both for absolute beginners and for existing programmers. The program is 100% online. Out of the 60,000, the top 6,000 students will earn an additional 6-month scholarship to one of four Nanodegree Programs: Front-End Web Developer, Mobile Web Specialist, Android Basics Nanodegree and Android Developer.

The program application filling only takes 10 minutes, and the final data for applying is October 15, 2017. You can apply by visiting this link.

Note: To receive one of these scholarships, you must belong to Europe, Russia, Egypt, Israel, or Turkey. You must also be at least 18 years old.

What about other 15,000 scholarships?

Google will also fund 15,000 scholarships offered by Bertelsmann later this year. They’ll be for beginners and advanced students in the field of data science.